How We Help Women

The WomenFirst Clean and Sober Long-Term Recovery Continuum Care Program will provide a place for women to stay after completing transitional housing and/or treatment up to 1 year at no cost until they receive permanent housing. Currently, there is a lack of long-term continuum care for women, they often wait months or years for their names to be called on the housing waiting list.

This wait can lead to behaviors that create a cycle of destruction. Let’s end that cycle of destruction. Read on to learn more about how we help women and how you can get involved.

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our programs

"I Love Me" Women Empowerment Groups deliver innovative trainings and skill building for women in our most vulnerable populations. The curriculum focuses on identity formation, value clarification, healthy lifestyles, and leadership development. We also promote healthy behaviors to increase social, emotional, and spiritual growth. Our focus is to provide a safe and nurturing environment where women can share their experiences and learn from others.

Peer Mentorship/Reintegration provides 1:1 mentorship for additional support such as: life skills, employment, housing, stability and work to create a plan for direction. This program is based at the Coffee Creek Correctional Facility beginning six months prior to a woman's release date, and is built around an individual action plan and follow-ups. The program launched April 2018 in partnership with African American Program (AAP) through Multnomah County. 

Navigate Back Home is a trauma informed pilot program that provides 10-20 women opportunities to continue to work on their journey of recovery, reunite with their children, and rebuild their lives. Our Housing Referral Coordinator will ensure each woman receives support and guidance to obtain stability for long-term continuum care until they receive permanent housing. Further, the Housing Navigator will continue to connect with housing agencies, such as Home Forward, second chance landlords, homes for single women, and women with children to identify what housing opportunities are available.

Life skills development workshops

The Education Not Incarceration program aims to transform the lives of young Black and Brown girls ages 12-16 years old by equipping them with the necessary tools and support to thrive. By focusing on empowerment, life skills, financial literacy, spiritual enrichment, and social-emotional learning, the program seeks to create a positive and lasting impact, WomenFirst will steer participants towards a successful and productive future.

Life Skills Development will deliver the skills necessary or desirable for full participation associated with managing and living a better quality of life. This curriculum focuses on conflict resolution, effective communication, financial literacy, interpersonal relationships, self-awareness, creative thinking, and how to be assertive.

  • Interview and work clothes to help women “Dress for Success” and other emergency clothing as needed

  • Showers

  • Childcare

  • Job search assistance

  • Food and healthcare assistance

  • Meditation, healing, and self-care practice training

  • Washer and dryer access.

  • Breastfeeding room

  • Recovery room and Community Resource Lab

our Services

How We Put Women First

  • Our support begins in the correctional facility

    WomenFirst Reintegration Peer Mentor program begins serving women six months prior to their release out of Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. This first phase is to build relationships, make connections, develop trust and get to know more about the women we will be serving for the next year beyond release. We’re there on the day of their release to be of support, if needed, to celebrate and acknowledge their first day of their journey reentering the community.

  • We prepare women to re-enter the community

    Once women have been released from prison, they will move into transitional housing or treatment centers for a temporary stay from 30 to 180 days while working on their recovery, gaining skills, and preparing to take the necessary steps to reenter back into the community. They also begin seeking employment that will provide them with the stability they need and an income to find permanent housing once they complete the program. Permanent housing is critical. The majority of the women face barriers finding permanent housing. It causes pain and suffering, which can lead to destruction and causes delay of process to their journey for success.

  • And provide them with housing

    WomenFirst clean and sober long-term continuum care will bridge the gap and meet the housing needs for women. We’ll provide them with a safe and stable home for up to one year at no cost so women then can continue to thrive, strive, rebuild their lives, reunite with their children, and participate within the wrap-around support service & programs that will prepare them to become responsible accountable tenants.

Make a donation

The WomenFirst Clean and Sober Long-Term Recovery Continuum Care Program will provide a place for women to stay after completing transitional housing and/or treatment up to 2 years at an affordable cost until they receive permanent housing. Currently, there is a lack of long-term continuum care for women, they often wait months or years for their names to be called on the housing waiting list. This wait can lead to behaviors that create a cycle of destruction.

We need YOUR help to end the cycle!